Family Law Services in Charleston
Is your family facing changes? Are you getting married? Or are you considering a divorce? Has your spouse confronted you with legal papers? Are your children not receiving the support to which they are entitled?
Are you concerned about the final disposition of all you have worked so hard to enjoy? Have you considered ensuring that your wishes are known, or kept?
Facing family decisions can be difficult and emotional enough as it is. However, they also involve complicated documents surrounded by even more complex procedures.
The Seibert Law Firm, LLC in Charleston, South Carolina has become involved with numerous families in our efforts to advise and successfully represent and negotiate favorable solutions for our clients and their families.
Do not let yourself ignore these important decisions surrounding intimate matters. Contact us at the Seibert Law Firm to discuss your situation and to address what may be in your or your family’s best interests.
- Prenuptial Agreements
- Divorce
- Alimony
- Custody
- Modification Hearings
- Domestic Violence
- Adoptions
- Guardian ad litem
- Annulment
- Separate Support and Maintenance
- Child Support
- Legitimation
- Contempt Hearings
- Temporary Restraining Orders
- Name Changes
- Wills and Probate

Frequently Asked Questions About Family Law
What is family law?
Family law is a legal practice area that focuses on issues involving family relationships, such as divorce, child custody, and adoption. It encompasses a wide range of legal matters that affect families.
What does a family law attorney do?
A family law attorney handles legal matters such as divorce, child custody, child support, adoption, and other family-related issues. They provide legal representation and guidance to individuals facing family law matters.
Why Choose Seibert Law Firm?
Competitive Pricing
Personal Attention

Family Law Services